Thursday, 19 January 2017

Challenges we faced throughout our filming

Whilst we were filming the challenges which we faced during was our time management and finding an ideal location. We first wanted to  use a restaurant, tube station and a house. But after some deliberation we changed our filming location to outside our college. Whilst we were filming it was hard for us to concentrate at first because there were quite a number of people who kept walking through our filming of scenes. however we were able to film at a convenient time. when it came to filming itself, we did not have any difficulties whilst filming as we were all aware of our roles an we were able to film with no  major distruptions

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Evidence of editing - Adding sound.

Using clipgrab we used the song "nines - yay" and added it to our footage to add to our scenery as we feel it relates to the footage and it adds meaning to it aswell.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Evidence of editing

During this screen shot we were adding effects to our final film opening and dimming the lighting on certain parts to create a dramatic effect.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Evidence of filming

Due to being busy filming we regretabbly didnt take any photographic evidence of yhis however, I am writing a blog about out time filming. We filmed for 3 days one day in which we had to delete all the filming due to the sound not being on. That day filming went smoothly and i throughly enjoyed it, when finding out the sound wasnt on I was frustrated but there was nothing we could do but learn from this error and re do it. The second day we filmed we double checked everything with the camera was in order and we began to film. The weather was very cold so being anle to stay in character became dkfficult as my hands were freezing due to having to keep walking back and forth doing the same thing so that rianna could get different angles and different shot types. Nevertheless filming was a success and we wrapped our flash back scene. The third day filming was the scene at the beginning

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Evidence of Editing - 5/01/17

What we did in today's class

  • Today we looked at the scenes we filmed.
  • We also put up a rough copy of what we have filmed so far.
  • we have spoken as a group about how individually feel about our work so far.
  • lastly we are still finishing off our editing of the short film opening which we have been working on, as we have finished filming.

Rough Cut

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Editing Experience


During editing, each member of the group contributed a part to the final film. Due to our focus on the editing and how much time we spent, our blog lacks evidence of how exactly we edited and what contributions were made.
  • To put the sequences together we used - Adobe Premiere Pro
  • To incorporate transitions, lighting edits, titles and sound and backing tracks - Adobe After Effects

Problems faced during editing

Key problems faced during editing:

  • Disagreements on what ideas to use - regarding transitions for titles and song choice
  • Technological difficulties with programmes used - had to restart the whole sequence as work didn't save due to fault of the Mac 
  • Lack of understanding to use particular programmes.
  • Lack of time so some initial ideas couldn't be incorporated into the final film.

Evidence of Editing

Rianna was using the mouse to edit and drag parts of our footage to perfect them and put things into the correct order of events.

We used premiere pro to put all of our footage together.

We used Adobe after effects to create our title and the credits for the film opening.