Monday, 31 October 2016

Blog Post 7

Blog Task 21 - Final Ideas

Blogging health check feedback

Having read what was said, i agree with this and am going to work my hardest to complete my outstanding task by the required deadline.

Blogger Health Check 1 - Feedback and Targets

From viewing my feedback, I agree with the comments made regarding my strengths and weaknesses. I believe that I do have incomplete blog posts that will be finished today , whilst also working on my targets and editing the posts that can be made at a better quality.

Blogger health check 1 - Feedback

From reading my feedback I agree that I need to get up to date with my blogs and also finish off certain blogs to put it up to an exceptional standard. I plan to do get up to date before the week finishes and to also continue coming to work shop to insure that my grade can go up.

6 Minute challenge - Reflection on ideas.


It was fairly easy to come up with the idea because once we received out location which was underground escalators on the victoria line and the prop which was a letter a fantastic idea popped into all of our heads which was the two main characters always passing each other in the morning on their ways to work and one character knows that they are long lost siblings so drops a letter into her bag. I think our idea was very successful and very unique. However not sure if we will be using it for our final idea.

6 minute challenge - reflection task

6 minute challenge-reflection task

Within the 6 minute challenge it was fairly easy to come up with an idea as we have very creative individuals within our group. At first it was easy but we ended up having different views on how the title sequence should be introduced, however we able to deliberate and come to a mutual conclusion.
We believe our idea was very successful as it was something that is unique and not common with other group ideas.

6 Minute Challenge - Reflection on Ideas

6 Minute Challenge - Reflection on Ideas

Regarding the 6 minute challenge at the beginning it was difficult to come up with an idea. Once we started to think of a genre and how the location and prop could link with it, the idea of a storyline began to pick up. Once we decided on what type of film we wanted to do and the overall plot, it became easy to come up with the opening scene of something that would attract the viewer at the beginning of the film. I think our idea was very successful as once we explained it to the rest of the class, the other students could actually imagine our idea as an actual film opening, due to the dramatic yet realistic storyline that could be regarded as intriguing.

6 Minute Challenge

6 Minute Challenge 

Within the 6 minute challenge we were asked to do an opening of a film, the ideas of the film were created on the prop and location which we have chosen at random. as a team we came up with an idea based on the prop and location. We then need to do 10 opening shots to start the film, including the integration of a title sequence, to then give the audience in to what they will be watching.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Blog Task 15 - Half term 'individual ideas' Homework

Idea for a title sequence
For the title sequence idea I would want to do a romantic film as that is my favourite genre, it interests me and I prefer it to any other genre as it always has a happy ending and makes people express emotions, it also makes people feel happy.

The initial plot I have is a love and basketball type of film, a normal stereotypical couple who are really in love and have a bad breakup only to eventually come back together through fait. The key character will be Chanel - Who is a young black smart girl who has just finished her degree and started a new job. The other main character is Daniel - who is chanels boyfriend, he has been working for his dad company for a number of years, since chanel has began her new job he begins to feel neglected, they then argue when she forgets his birthday and they break up. They then some how fall back together and get married. However in the opening you will only see the good times they have of them laughing and joking and being in love and then her working and neglecting her boyfriend so you wont see them getting back together but it will happen. The main social groups that will be introduce is young black middle class characters. 

Friday, 21 October 2016

The importance of sound

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Blog Task 13 - Why is sound so important in film?

Why is sound important in film?

“Sound” refers to everything we hear in a movie — words, sound effects, and music. Sound is used in film to heighten a mood, provide us with information about the location of a scene, advance the plot, and tell us about the characters in the story. There are two categories of sound in film: Diegetic and Non-Diegetic. Diegetic Sound refers to all those audio elements that come from sources inside the world we see on the screen, including dialogue, doors slamming, footsteps, etc. Non-Diegetic Sound refers to all those audio elements that come from outside of the fictional world we see on screen.

Sound effects can be used to add mood or atmosphere to a film by creating a soundscape that accents or adds another layer of meaning to the images on the screen. Pitch, tempo, and volume may be altered to indicate how the filmmaker expects the audience to respond to a given noise. For instance, high-pitched sounds, including screams or squealing tires, help to create a sense of anxiety, while low-pitched sounds, including the sounds of waves or the swinging of a door, can be used to create a sense of calm or mystery.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Blog Task 12 - Analyse two title sequences

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Micro and Macro Elements

Blog Task 3

Example of previous student blog

I personally enjoyed Lara, Denya, Marina and Hiba work as it was well presented, there was a very balanced between the use of text and media. i enjoyed their video on title sequences and how they were able to carefully and efficiently give detail towards title sequences and how they effect the audiences thoughts at the beginning of a film. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Blog Task 9 - What is genre

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Blog post 9

Analyzing 2 Film Title Sequences

The Incredibles -
- title of film with logo at the very beginning
- introduction to main characters and their superpower and how they use it whilst displaying cast and production members.
- bright colours - aimed at young kids/teens

Mrs Doubtfire-

-simple, subtle background ; production team and directors name
-main character introduced first with actors name - introduction to character and what they do for a living - a voice actor - links to plot of film - pretending to be someone using acting skill.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Blog Task 7 - My favourite film

This is my favourite film because my favourite genre is romance and the way they presented the genre was in a unique way, it wasn't cliché which is what I like the most about this film. You wouldn't of expected the two main characters to get to fall in love but they did and it also gets you emotional which is also what I love about a film.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Blog Task 6 - Analyse two film title sequences.

I think this title sequence is good because there is a lot of use of effects, it makes me want to know what happens next. This will make the audience want to carry on watching the film and even buy it on DVD due to it being eye catching and drawing attention to you.
I think this title sequence is also good because the way the titles are presented is very creative it incorporates the pink panther, which is the main character of the film. I think its very creative and draws you into the movie.

What Makes a Good Title Sequence - Kyle Cooper

What makes a good title sequence ? - Kyle Cooper

Kyle Cooper believes that a good title sequence is seamless and sets an expectation in the cinema and gets the audience excited. In the film Seven, the font is regarded as important, this is because it is handwritten so it sets an impression about the film and the font is also intergrated into action.

Cooper significantly likes the title sequences of the films Deadzone and To Kill A Mocking Bird. Particularly in Deadzone, he likes the simple typography used and the mysterious music played out over time. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, he likes how it is beautifully photographed, how the typography is intergrated ( filmed along a horizontal line) and how the title sequence picks up characters obsession.

He also says that some main title sequences are "story based" , this means that the sequence has a specific back story and a clear metaphor; a "poster-like pun". After an audience test screening, a studio may face problems regarding their budget; not having enough; and they may receive bad reviews.

The 2 and a half minutes of the title sequence becomes important for the studio as it becomes another scene, its a prolog and a way to add information. In the Dawn of the Dead, the title sequences suggests that the zombies have been released all over the world, and it sets up the film idea by using credits at the beginning and the end.

Cooper thinks titles are so important to a film as it puts the audience into the film.

Blog Task 5 - What is the purpose of a title sequence according to kyle cooper

Blog 5

What makes a good title sequence ? - Kyle Cooper

Kyle Cooper believes that a good title sequence is seamless and sets an expectation in the cinema and gets the audience excited. In the film Seven, the font is regarded as important, this is because it is handwritten so it sets an impression about the film and the font is also intergrated into action.

Cooper significantly likes the title sequences of the films Deadzone and To Kill A Mocking Bird. Particularly in Deadzone, he likes the simple typography used and the mysterious music played out over time. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, he likes how it is beautifully photographed, how the typography is intergrated ( filmed along a horizontal line) and how the title sequence picks up characters obsession.

He also says that some main title sequences are "story based" , this means that the sequence has a specific back story and a clear metaphor; a "poster-like pun". After an audience test screening, a studio may face problems regarding their budget; not having enough; and they may receive bad reviews.

The 2 and a half minutes of the title sequence becomes important for the studio as it becomes another scene, its a prolog and a way to add information. In the Dawn of the Dead, the title sequences suggests that the zombies have been released all over the world, and it sets up the film idea by using credits at the beginning and the end.

Cooper thinks titles are so important to a film as it puts the audience into the film.

Blog Task 4 - What is the purpose of a title sequence and film opening?

Purpose of a Title Sequence

Blog Task 3 - Favourite student work

Blog3 : Favourite previous student work:

My favourite student work is Selin,Morgan,Ays and Canberk's work, the beginning of the video had caught me instantly as the scary music built tension and complimented the black background. At the start of the video the 'city and islington college' was flashing which created a creative dramatic effect and played a part of the thriller genre. There was a lot of use of extreme close up shot to emphasise certain things win the video for example someone being tied up in duck tape, this creates tension and has us as the viewers wanting more! 

When one of the characters were on the floor and out of consciousness the group done a effect in which there was a double vision, this was like we as the viewers were seeing through the characters sight. We then saw papers on a table which had missing person on them, this gives the audience a clear link that the person on the floor is the one that is missing.

To conclude the video overall is very good and includes a wide range of techniques and multiple camera shots and it definitely stood out for us.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Favourite Previous Student Work

Favourite previous student work:

My favourite student work is Selin,Morgan,Ays and Canberk's work, the beginning of the video had caught me instantly as the scary music built tension and complimented the black background. At the start of the video the 'city and islington college' was flashing which created a creative dramatic effect and played a part of the thriller genre. There was a lot of use of extreme close up shot to emphasise certain things win the video for example someone being tied up in duck tape, this creates tension and has us as the viewers wanting more! 

When one of the characters were on the floor and out of consciousness the group done a effect in which there was a double vision, this was like we as the viewers were seeing through the characters sight. We then saw papers on a table which had missing person on them, this gives the audience a clear link that the person on the floor is the one that is missing.

To conclude the video overall is very good and includes a wide range of techniques and multiple camera shots and it definitely stood out for us.