Monday, 21 November 2016

Sound design 2

Sound design

We intend to us diegetic sounds such as characters talking.

We also intend to use non diegetic sounds such as the main characters voice over, slow music in the background, we also intend to use sound effects such as police and ambulance sirens.

We were influenced by a channel 4 documentary called "murdered by my boyfriend" it inspired us as it brought awareness to the topic of abusive relationships and also showed signs of some one that could be in a abusive relationship and how to tell.

For our ident which is "Lion heart productions" we are using the sound of a lioon roaring.

Sound design 1

Sound design

We intend to us diegetic sounds such as characters talking.

We also intend to use non diegetic sounds such as the main characters voice over, slow music in the background, we also intend to use sound effects such as police and ambulance sirens.

We were influenced by a channel 4 documentary called "murdered by my boyfriend" it inspired us as it brought awareness to the topic of abusive relationships and also showed signs of some one that could be in a abusive relationship and how to tell.

blog task 22 audience research

From my research into yougov i found out that people who like transformers are generaly between the age of 40-54, they are usually quite mathematical.

From my research i found out that people who like transformers would usually watch TV or play video games, also those that watch it really like to watch american football and boxing.
Lastly from my research i found out that the average person that watches transformers usually will watch TV for about 6-10 hours n a week. relative shows that they may watch includes the big bang theory, celebrity juice and Take me out.

If i was to do a film my target audience would be towards the ages of 15-30 as that offers a more diverse amount of people who may watch my film, also it would be something that i myself can relate to more compared to films of an older or younger target audience.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

blog task 7 - title sequence of my favourite film

Analyse the title sequence of your favorite film

Fast and furious is my favorite film as it is an action film, the involves a lot of high speeds chase and is a very exciting movie to watch. The title sequence has cuts of the movie in it which give the audience an idea of what to expect within the movie. You see the 3D effect of the cars coming out of the screen and the different use of colours which bring out the excitement within the title sequence. As that happens you see the introduction of the various companies that helped with the visuals. towards the end of the opening, the credits come up in a common black background and white text. there we see the introduction of the casting crew.

blog task 6 - analyse 2 films title sequences

blog task 14 - Use of sound in film openings

The use of sound in film openings

The use of sound in film openings helps to give the audience an idea to how the atmosphere of the film will be like, therefore it helps to introduce the genre of the film. 

With Rush Hour 3 we see the use of the main character singing, and as it is rather funny it sets the tone that there will be comedy within the film and that gives a more relaxed atmosphere towards the audience.

blog task 12 - analyse 2 title sequence

blog post 13 - Why is sound so important in a film

Why is sound so important in a film

Sound is important in a film because it helps to emphasise on the genre of the film. it also helps to set the atmosphere to the audience. without sound the audience will not feel connected with the film and therefore is very crucial to the making of a film. sound is important in film because it keeps the audience focused, it helps to identify genre through music, sound effects, and dialogue. Without sound the a film will be uninteresting and the audience will quickly lose interest as they will find it difficult to understand what is happening in the scene. 75% of a motion picture is sound, picture is far less important than sound as the audience can only look at one picture at a time but can hear dozens of distinct sounds at the same time. sound helps to keep the interest of the audience fixed unto the film.

blog post 8 - 4 types of film openings

Blog task 9 - what is a genre

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Blog Task 24 - After effects ident

My ident has a strong brand identity the name is noticeable and is there throughout most of the video, it is not associated with a particular genre as it is very versatile, some films that would be distributed by my production company would be films like Friday and Love and basketball. I feel that my ident is very creative and it looks unique and pretty. I used it by creating a shape that I liked and writing that I liked and put it together using the website online logo maker.



Rico:Oi, Lakye!
Lakye: Leave me alone!
Rico:Why arent you answering my calls?! huh?
Lakye: Leave me alone were over!
Rico: Your making me think im going mad!
Lakye: Just please leave me alone
*Lakye slaps Rico*
*Rico grabs Lakye forcefully*
Lakye : get off of me!!
*rico begins to strangle Lakye*
*lakye starts to choke and drops to the floor*
*Rico begins to cry*
Rico:Lakyeee *whilst crying*

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Block Task 23 - What production company is most likely to produce our film

Company most likely to produce our film - Film 4.
Image result for film 4   
  • Examples of films produced by film 4 : 
  • 12 years a slave
Image result for 12 years a slave 

  • Four weddings and a funeral
Image result for four weddings and a funeral

We chose to use film for our 

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment

Activity hazards
Person who may be ay risk
Property in risk damage
Preventive Measures
Risk assessment
Theft of camera equipment.
Camera equipment
Make sure the equipment is always in sight.
filming in Restaurant(hot liquid and cutlery), street and house.
Actors and camera crew
Check all 3 locations before filming to make sure that it is a safe environment to shoot in.( no running in restaurant, be careful of hot liquid and cutlery
Actors and camera crew
To make sure that the knife is held at the right end t all times and is not used to pay with during and after shooting.
Code of conduct
Actors and camera crew
All equipment and props
To make sure we act maturely through out our filming process and do not hurt ourselves or damage anything.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Blog Task 20 - Film Preferences

Made with Padlet

Development of Initial Ideas

Macro and Micro Conventions of Our Genre

Macro and Micro Conventions of Drama/True Story

Blog task 2 - prelim film

6. Richard, Jake, Adam, Exaucee from 283goswellg on Vimeo.

Opening Credits

1.Production Ident - C&I Studios
2.Distribution Ident
3. Starring : Lakye Belle
4. Co-starring: Richard Bynoe
5.Film Title : in 'Trapped in Love'
6.Casting: Jennifer Allan, Gregg Douglas
7.Music Supervisor: Rose Seymour
8. Director: Rianna-Princess Nurse

Mise-en-scene decisions

Which locations will we use?

We will be filming the couples "happy" times in a house/apartment and at a restaurant. The "bad" times will be filmed outside on a quiet street.

What scenes will we use?

We will be using a romantic setting for the flashback scenes so the couple will be at the table with candles and wine.

What props will we use?

A knife, Fake blood, flowers, mobile phone

For costume we plan to keep it simple as it is a urban drama, we plan for the main characters to dress casual for a realistic young couple for example Jeans and tracksuits.

Final Title Credits

Title Design:


  • Cambria (white) - cast, crew and production names.
  • Trajan Pro 3 (white) - title of film


Titles Integrated - 

The first introduction to the film will be a "warning" message towards the viewers before the film begins, this will be on a black screen with white font. The next shot will involve a insight into the beginning of the movie which is a 'fast-forward' scene, and as this begins, the cast, crew and production names will be integrated on titles on moving images. The title of the film will be then be positioned on a black screen, displayed in white font for 5seconds and then the film will begin.

Pace and Movement - 

Slow movement of the titles, linking to our theme of sadness, with the titles fading in and out gradually with a disappearing/blending effect.

Colour Pallet:

Our colour pallet will be a simple black and white theme as we are going for a classic look. We're using a black background with white font as white will stand out the most and cooperate with the serious and moody theme we've adopted.

Transitions and Effects - 

We are using a fading in and out and disappearing effect with a slow transition alongside sad music.

Conventional order of credits in a title sequence:

1. Production Ident
2.Distribution Ident
3. Distribution in title sequence - Film 4 presents
4. Production in title sequence - a Lionheart production
5. Actor 1
6. Actor 2
7. Film Title
8. Casting
9. Costume
10.Music Supervisor
11. Music By
12. Edited By
13. Production Designer
14. Director of Photography
15. Executive Producers
16. Written By
17. Director

Order of credits in our title sequence:

1.Distribution - Film4 presents
2.Production - a Lionheart production
3. Starring : Lakye Belle
4. Co-starring: Richard Bynoe
5.Film Title : in 'Trapped in Love'
6.Casting: Jennifer Allan, Gregg Douglas
7.Music Supervisor: Rose Seymour
8. Director: Rianna-Princess Nurse

The Ident

My Ident:

My ident has a simple brand identity that isn't associated with a particular genre due to the fact that the film company distribute many different types of films from multiple genres. Existing films that would've been distributed from this company is small-scale movies that may reflect true stories, dramas and biopics within a small area, for example, a particular part of London. My design is more simple, rather than creative, but can still be regarded as eye-catching and memorable.

blog post 26 - Ident creation

My company is Lion heart productions, I wanted to go with something classic but elegant and therefore came up with lionheart productions. My brand is very original and strong as the symbol of a lion is very mighty and strong. I associate my brand with drama/action movies as it is more realistic and my ident helps to convey that. Lastly as a lion is mighty and brave that is the message I try to give across to people, be brave and stand for what you believe is right.

Film Distribution

Company likely to distribute our film: Film4

* Amy (2015)
* 12 Years a Slave (2010)

I have chosen the production company Film4 as the company that is most likely to distribute my film as the type of films they distribute relate to the film I am making in regards to the genre and background of the film.  Film4 is not a mainstream film company and tends to distribute films that are usually based on a true story or biopics.


columbia is a mainstream studio that I would do my movie in.

examples of other movies made by this film company is "The coloured Girls"

The ident of columbia productions would suggest a large budget hollywood production.
But due to the fact that i am student making a film, a large budget would not be possible, however i will try to replicate the style of film that columbia would distribute.

This an example of the most popular and highest budgeted distribution companies. these are the most used for high budgeted films.

What makes a good title opening

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Blog task 5 - what makes a good title sequence according to kyle Cooper


Kyle Cooper believes that a good title sequence is seamless and sets an expectation in the cinema and gets the audience excited. In the film Seven, the font is regarded as important, this is because it is handwritten so it sets an impression about the film and the font is also intergrated into action.

Cooper significantly likes the title sequences of the films Deadzone and To Kill A Mocking Bird. Particularly in Deadzone, he likes the simple typography used and the mysterious music played out over time. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, he likes how it is beautifully photographed, how the typography is intergrated ( filmed along a horizontal line) and how the title sequence picks up characters obsession.

He also says that some main title sequences are "story based" , this means that the sequence has a specific back story and a clear metaphor; a "poster-like pun". After an audience test screening, a studio may face problems regarding their budget; not having enough; and they may receive bad reviews.

The 2 and a half minutes of the title sequence becomes important for the studio as it becomes another scene, its a prolog and a way to add information. In the Dawn of the Dead, the title sequences suggests that the zombies have been released all over the world, and it sets up the film idea by using credits at the beginning and the end.

Cooper thinks titles are so important to a film as it puts the audience into the film.