Thursday, 15 December 2016

Evidence from filming sessions

Evidence from filming sessions - 

Due to the lack of time we had to film and problems we faced having to re-film due to the sound not being on, on the camera the first time we filmed, we were unable to record evidence of filming.

Day 1 of filming - Location : City and Islington College  
                            - Actors used: Lakye Belle and Richard Bynoe
                            - Weather - No rain, no sun 
Implications - 
  • Sound wasn't switched on throughout the whole footage
  • Filming wasn't steady enough

What went well - 
  • Acting was good
  • Weather held up so we were able to film outside as well as inside 
  • Actors turned up 
  • Location wasn't heavily populated - lack of distractions and masses of people cutting into the footage

Day 2 of filming - Location: City and Islington College
                           - Actors used: Lakye Belle and Richard Bynoe
                           - Weather - No rain, no sun

Implications resolved from day 1 - 
  • Made sure sound was switched on before filming, and tested the camera out before filming actual footage
  • Used a fig rig in order to keep the camera steady when filming 
Implication on day 2 - 
  • Due to time of day, a lot of college students began to hang around the location and so the setting was overly populated - therefore, patience between the actors and camera-woman was needed in order for the footage to look how we intended it to.

What went well -  
  • Gained good footage from the filming - used in final film

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Reflection on Filming - Day 1 of Filming

Day One:

What went well:

  • Actors memorised lines correctly.
  • Filming went smoothly
  • Good, clear footage.

Even better if:

  • Sound was on , on the camera.

Day Two:

What went well:

  • Good, clear range of different types of shots
  • Actors worked well together and made a good and equal contribution

Even better if:

  • Lighting in one part of the location was better 
  • Less people around our location so we could film better and smoothly


In order to overcome any issues regarding day one and two , we made the following improvements,  we made sure the sound was on when filming on the second day and we will also make sure that for day three of filming we will double check the sound again to be sure, try to film somewhere where there are less members of the public around and better and clearer lighting that doesn't affect the set location we chose to film.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Reflection Task - Day 1/2 of filming

Reflection Task:

- What went well:

  • Communication was effective
  • Number of different shots from different angles
  • Actors memorised all lines correctly
  • Filming went well without complications
  • We had to keep a professional conduct whilst acting whereas outside of college we would be normal friends making jokes ect.
- Things that didn't go well:
  • No control of the public, therefore there was a lot of people walking past, however it fitted into the scene that we was doing because the main character was getting picked up from college.
  • We had to cut out one of the scenes due to bad lighting 
  • The first original time we filmed we filmed without sound by accident
- How to improve for next time:
  • Make sure we film during lesson times so there is as little people as possible walking by
  • Ensure we film at a time that the lighting will be good enough to see 
  • Ensure that we do sound checks

Filming reflection-Day 1

The first day of filming was a bit of a funny experience as we did our first part of the film opening, but unfortunately the sound wasn't on so we had to re record it. However within our actual shooting we had fun being able to coordinate and control our shooting. We were able to work together as a team and not get distracted as quite a number of people were walking past. This also taught us how to blend in within our surroundings. But now we know what to do and how we can improve when it comes to shooting our title opener, in the next stage;

  • Make sure the sound is on when needed.
  • work harder and more efficient.
  • lastly we can improve by taking constructive criticism as a means to improve.

Production schedule

Pitch Feedback and Evaluation



  • Clear storyline
  • Good use of presentation skills
  • Clear understanding of genre


  • Clearly printed and organised
  • Clear understanding of genre
  • Showed examples of movies that influenced

Even better if:

  • Described how the film was relatable
  • Clearer storyboard


  • We will edit the production schedule
  • Make small improvements on how to make the film even more relatable to our target audience by changing the location.