Evidence from filming sessions -
Due to the lack of time we had to film and problems we faced having to re-film due to the sound not being on, on the camera the first time we filmed, we were unable to record evidence of filming.
Day 1 of filming - Location : City and Islington College
- Actors used: Lakye Belle and Richard Bynoe
- Weather - No rain, no sun
Implications -
- Sound wasn't switched on throughout the whole footage
- Filming wasn't steady enough
What went well -
- Acting was good
- Weather held up so we were able to film outside as well as inside
- Actors turned up
- Location wasn't heavily populated - lack of distractions and masses of people cutting into the footage
Day 2 of filming - Location: City and Islington College
- Actors used: Lakye Belle and Richard Bynoe
- Weather - No rain, no sun
Implications resolved from day 1 -
- Made sure sound was switched on before filming, and tested the camera out before filming actual footage
- Used a fig rig in order to keep the camera steady when filming
Implication on day 2 -
- Due to time of day, a lot of college students began to hang around the location and so the setting was overly populated - therefore, patience between the actors and camera-woman was needed in order for the footage to look how we intended it to.
What went well -
- Gained good footage from the filming - used in final film