Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Reflection on Filming - Day 1 of Filming

Day One:

What went well:

  • Actors memorised lines correctly.
  • Filming went smoothly
  • Good, clear footage.

Even better if:

  • Sound was on , on the camera.

Day Two:

What went well:

  • Good, clear range of different types of shots
  • Actors worked well together and made a good and equal contribution

Even better if:

  • Lighting in one part of the location was better 
  • Less people around our location so we could film better and smoothly


In order to overcome any issues regarding day one and two , we made the following improvements,  we made sure the sound was on when filming on the second day and we will also make sure that for day three of filming we will double check the sound again to be sure, try to film somewhere where there are less members of the public around and better and clearer lighting that doesn't affect the set location we chose to film.

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